It’s time! #Hamilfilm
I’ve seen the play three times, but I missed the original cast. This is gonna be so good!
The first notes of “Alexander Hamilton” always give me chills. #Hamilfilm
I intended on live tweeting this. But I’m at the end of “My Shot” and I can already tell I’m going to be too engrossed to keep it up. #Hamilfilm
Include women in the sequel #Hamilfilm
🎶 Here comes the general 🎶 #Hamilfilm
Dammit. I forgot again.
The first time I experienced Hamilton was their performance of “Yorktown” at the Tonys. After that, I was hooked. It’s probably my favorite number. #Hamilfilm
Being able to see the actors’ faces up close is a gift. Especially Jonathan Groff’s. #Hamilfilm
Daveed. Diggs. #Hamifilm
Leslie Odom Jr. deserves more flowers. 🎶 The room where it happens 🎶 #Hamilfilm
Shoot. Forgot again. I’m bad at this.
Yeah… these close ups of Leslie Odom Jr.’s face during this final duel. He more than deserved that Tony. #Hamilfilm